Welcome to the Future


Last time we talked about books and we touched the topic of movies. So today we focus on movies. About renting movies at a rentalshop, yes kids reallife Netflix. Also, the adventure of going to a movie theater and seeing the coming attractions, and sitting down in a big dark room with a bunch of people. We give you some movie tips and flashback to old classics. We know we forgot about your favorite movie so just leave us a message which one we should watch.

Whether we like it or not, we carry the memories of people and places around with us. These memories change and cast new meaning as we go through our own lives.

Join us each episode for an hour or so of reflection and reminiscence, where we – Damian, Richard and Marcel – remember and retell memories of remarkable people in our own lives, and other elements of daily life that are no longer around.

The idea for the podcast was Richard’s book Flower Factory – which deals in part with the changes in the Netherlands between now and the year in which it is set, 2000. And of course the price of getting that bit older, watching the once familiar and comforting fade out of view.